Sunhui (Sunny) Sim, PhD


Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator


  • Ph.D.  Florida State University
  • M.A.  University of California, Santa Barbara
  • M.S. KonKuk University, South Korea

Areas of Expertise

  • GIS
  • Remote Sensing
  • Urban Geography
  • Geographic Modeling
  • Geographic Visualization
  • Geography of East Asia

Selected Publications and Research Contributions

  • W. Walker, S. Sim, and L. Keys-Mathews. 2012. The Impact of Hurricanes on Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Crime in Mobile, Alabama, Proceedings of 2012 GIScience, Columbus, OH.
  • S. Sim. 2011. Measuring urban sprawl and compactness: case study Orlando, USA, Proceedings of International Cartographic Conference, Paris, France.
  • S. Sim. 2007. Spatio-temporal dynamics in Seoul Metropolitan Region: Linking remote sensing into urban theory, Proceedings of Urban remote sensing conference, Paris, France.
  • S. Sim and K. Clarke. 2005. Dasymetric Mapping with Object-oriented Classification and GIS, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and remote sensing symposium conference, Seoul Korea


  • GE 324 - Cartography
  • GE 384 - Introduction to GIS
  • GE 454/554 - Advanced Remote Sensing
  • GE 684 -  Modeling and Analysis in GIS
  • GE 697 - Advanced Quantitative Methods