Jian Chen, PhD


Assistant Professor and Graduate Coordinator 


  • Ph.D. University of Memphis
  • M.S.  East China Normal University 
  • B.S.  East China Normal University 

Areas of Expertise

  • GIS and Big Data Analytics
  • Water Resources and Hydrologic Modeling
  • Environmental Hazards



Selected Publications and Research Contributions

 •         Chen, J., Broussard, W.P., Borrok, D.M., Speyrer, F.B. 2019. A GIS-based framework to identify opportunities to use surface water to offset groundwater withdrawals, Water Resource Management 33(9): 3227-3237,  

 •          Duggimpudi, M.B., Abbady, S. Chen, J., and Raghavan V.V., 2019. Spatio-Temporal Outlier Detection Algorithms Based on Computing Behavioral Outlierness Factor, Data & Knowledge Engineering 122:1-24,  

   •       Katragadda, S., Gottumukkala, R., Venna, S., Lipari, N., Gailward, S. Pusala, M., Chen, J., Borst, C., Ragahavan, V., Bayoumi, M. 2019. VAStream: A Visual Analytics System for Fast Data Streams, Proceedings of Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2019 (PEARC19) on Rise of the Machines (learning), Article N0. 76. P. 1-8  

   •       Katragadda, S., Chen, J., Abbady, S. 2019. Spatial Hotspot Detection Using Polygon Propagation, International Journal of Digital Earth 12(7): 825-842.  

  •        Borrok, D. M., Chen, J., Eldardiry, H., and Habib, E. 2018. A Framework for Incorporating the Impact of Water Quality on Water Supply Stress: An Example from Louisiana, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 54(1):134-147. 

  •       Chen, J., Hill, A.A., and Urbano, L.,  2009, A GIS-based model for urban flood inundation, Journal of Hydrology 373(1-2), 184-192,    



  • GE 384: Geographic Information Systems
  • GE 484/584: Advanced GIS
  • GE 474/574: Web GIS
  • GE 464/564 GIS Programming
  • GE 415/515: Quantitative Methods in Geography
  • GE 112/112H: Physical Geography – Landforms