Alumni and Career Information

Where Are They Now?

Take a look at companies, agencies and organizations that have hired #unageo graduates:

Where Are They Now?

UNA Geography Alumni Business Card Directory

The UNA Geography Alumni Business Card Directory features a collection of business cards from #unageo Alumni. It's a great way to connect with former classmates and to see where our Alumni have been able to utilize the skills they learned at the Department!

UNA Geography Alumni Business Card Directory - Volume 1 Spring 2017

UNA Geography Alumni Business Card Directory - Volume 2 Spring 2019

Job Titles Held By Our Recent Graduates

Curious about the positions that our well-qualified, highly marketable graduates are hired to? Check out the diversity of job titles held by #unageo graduates:

Job Titles Held By Our Recent Graduates

UNA Geography Alumni Association (UNAGAA)

Students and alumni of our department founded this organization in 2005, initializing a formal alumni association for UNA geography graduates. UNAGAA hosts an annual conference at UNA during Homecoming Week where current students, alumni, and friends of the department give presentations, demonstrations, and network with fellow UNA geographers.