Annual Registration Policy

All recognized student organizations must register with the Student Engagement Center each year and follow the timeline listed below in order to remain in good-standing on campus and utilize the available resources.

  1. Update the organization’s Student Engagement Online () between the first day of class in the fall semester and October 1. Any changes in RSO officers or advisors must be made during this time. This also includes maintaining an up-to-date constitution and roster, both of which must be uploaded into the RSO’s Student Engagement Online.

  2. Schedule an appointment and meet with a Student Leadership Consultant (SLC) between the first day of class in the fall semester and October 1.

  3. All organizations affiliated with an inter/national organization or external governing board must have the inter/national organization or external governing board submit a letter of recognition from the inter/national organization or external governing board when they register. These letters should be on the inter/national organization’s official letterhead and it should identify a point of contact for the inter/national organization or governing board.

Organizations that do not meet these requirements by October 1 will lose their good standing status and all resource privileges for the remainder of the fall semester. These organizations may redeem their good-standing status for the spring semester if they update their RSO portal and schedule a meeting with a Student Leadership Consultant by February 15. Any organizations that do not meet these requirements by February 15 will be deactivated and assumed to no longer function as a student organization.