Dropout Detective

Dropout Detective is a student retention and success solution that integrates directly with Canvas to provide a “risk index” of how likely it is that each student will drop out of or fail their course(s). The program pulls together the different reasons a student is at risk and makes it easy to quickly go through and look at what might be happening with a student.

In each of their individual courses in Canvas, faculty will have the option of clicking on Dropout Detective, which will provide them with a risk index for all of the students in a particular course based on their grade in the class, number of missing assignments, etc. Faculty already have access to this information in Canvas via the gradebook, clicking on individual assignments, etc., but Dropout Detective makes this information more easily accessible so that faculty can quickly determine which students are at the most at-risk in a particular class.

If you don't see Dropout Detective in your course, go to Settings>>Navigation and enable it.  Please be aware that Dropout Detective is currently limited to undergraduate students.

For more information about Dropout Detective, take a look at the Dropout Detective FAQ or self-enroll in the