
  • Worked with Human Resources and administration to fully fund the staff pay plan - funds approved by the Board of Trustees September 2015;
  • Established annual Wellness Day launched in 2014;
  • Launched the Staff Senate Newsletter - Staff Link - January 2014;
  • Initiated the Staff Attitudes Survey August 2013;
  • Created Professional Development Program for University employees launched in 2009-2010;
  • Supported SGA-sponsored proposal to limit smoking on campus;
  • Collaborated with Faculty Senate to allow faculty, staff, and their spouses to directly contact faculty to secure class registration;
  • New employees will have dental insurance upon start date;
  • All University vehicles now have emergency roadside kits;
  • Approval of 100% tuition remission for dependent children;
  • Online graduate course availability to employees;
  • Salary survey work led to active involvement in the University Compensation Ladder Committee;
  • Work begun on development of a career path for staff;
  • Panic buttons on every University computer;
  • Initiated and developed an Executive Committee for Staff Senate;
  • Was able to move HRAA in employee handbook issues;
  • Led the program in conjunction with Faculty Staff Welfare Committee and HRAA to implement the PMD coverage on Dental insurance;
  • Encouraged the closing of the University for spring break week;
  • Accomplished the movement of academic assistants from off-duty part time to full time;
  • Encouraged the inclusion of staff accomplishments in Campus Communications;
  • Implemented Merit Based Salary Increases - 2019 -
  • Revised Evaluation Forms/Process - 2019 - 
  • Implemented New Hire Staff Mentoring Program-2019
  • Implemented Online platform for Staff Annual Evaluations-2020
  • Proposed and implemented Terminal Degreee Assistance Program for Staff - 2022
  • Created a Staff Affairs subcommittee to investigate issues (such as Hy-flex) on campus that affect staff.