Proposal Development: A Path to Competitive Proposals

          The process developing a competitive grant or research proposal can seem like a complicated and daunting one. Breaking it into a series of phases can help an investigator along the way. By structuring the process around an original idea, compelling research question, or an identifiable and persistent need, an investigator can begin thinking about the grant proposal process in familiar terms and within the context of their teaching, research, or service goals. Once identified, the pathway to funding involves developing a preliminary concept with an explanation of the research and a preliminary budget, and searching various sources for programs with an alignment toward the project or activity. Once funding is identified, the investigator can begin to gather the resources needed to refine and structure their proposal to fit the submission requirements of the grant. Once written, and prior to final submission, all grant narratives and budgets must be received and processed by the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (OGSP). The OGSP staff is available to assist with every step of this process.

During proposal development, the faculty/principal investigator’s responsibilities include:           

National Science Foundation

  • : Includes full guidance on preparing NSF proposals. Note that additional instructions may be included in the program solicitation. Required for submissions on or after October 4, 2021
  • : Includes full guidance on preparing NSF proposals for submissions on or after June 1, 2020 until October 3, 2021. . 
  • : Includes full guidance on NSF proposals prepared before June 1, 2020
  • Proposal Outline: One of many potential formats that includes headings for Intellectual Merit (no longer required as a separate heading after June 1, 2020), Broader Impacts (a required heading), and research plan. 
  • Budget Justification Template 
  • : Guidance for data sharing and developing data management plans for each NSF Directorate.
  • Senior Personnel Documents
    • Biographical Sketch: An NSF-approved template must be used. NSF will accept biographical sketches prepared in  or using an . 
    • Collaborators and Affiliations (Excel document)
    •  (NSF-approved template): Describes capacity to accomplish the research and identifies any overlap in support. Includes all support to the individual, whether from the proposing organization or another outside entity, and including in-kind commitments to any other project requiring senior personnel's time. In-kind contributed to the project proposal must be included in Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources. 
  • Post doctoral mentoring plan template. Required for proposals that include post doctoral fellows. 
  • Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources (coming soon)

National Institutes of Health