Study Abroad

Study Abroad in Germany

What better place to study psychology than in its birthplace!? In collaboration with , the UNA Psychology Program has recently developed a student exchange program.

Program participants will travel to and enroll in psychology courses (taught in English) at JMU as part of a one or two semester study abroad program. As part of the exchange, students will be able to complete coursework contributing to their psychology major/minor and transfer those courses back to UNA – all while paying regular UNA tuition! Students may also take German language courses offered at JMU free of charge.

Participating students are still eligible for financial aid and they may also apply for a UNA study abroad scholarship to help reduce the cost of living expenses while abroad. JMU charges a small fee of €125 that covers the cost of public transportation (local and regional). Discounted rates for housing and meals are offered as part of the program. Adequate health insurance (as verified by JMU) is required to be enrolled in the program.

Please note that the traditional academic year is different in Germany than the United States. Unless students plan on taking two semesters of coursework at JMU, students may find it easier to take courses during the summer semester. This allows students to travel to Germany in March and participate in a 4-week German language course and become accustomed to the area before classes begin in April. 


Contact Information:

If you have questions or are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Dr. Gabriela Carrasco (