Affinity Groups

Our Feminist Affinity Group is welcoming to all UNA students who are passionate about advocating for gender equity. This group gives students a safe space to make friends and and offers mutual mental health support through fostering a sense of belonging.

Our LGBTQ+ affinity group is welcoming to all UNA students who identify with and/or support LGBTQ+ communities. This group gives students a safe space to make friends and and offers mutual mental health support through fostering a sense of belonging.

Affinity groups* emerge from shared identities or common bonds. They aren't structured formally; instead, they're spaces where organic community engagement thrives, allowing students to bond over shared experiences. Our aim is for these groups to cultivate welcoming environments where all students can confidently embrace their true selves.

In essence, affinity groups:

  • Promote inclusion through peer support and social interaction.
  • Offer a sense of safety, encouragement, and belonging.
  • Encourage involvement through specialized communities.

We are honored to provide space bringing these important groups together on our campus.

*These programs are sponsored independently and do not utilize state funds.

Updated July 2024