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The Committees Charge To serve as an advisory committee on undergraduate readmissions and allied issues To serve as a board of appeal on undergraduate readmissions To gather information on undergraduate readmissions and allied issues and assess University performance in these areas in light of the information obtained To propose changes in University policy and procedures on undergraduate readmissions and allied issues. The Committee met on the following dates: August 25, 2010 No meeting due to inclement weather January 2011 June 6, 2011 What were the Committees actions and accomplishments this year relative to each of the items of the charge? The committee heard 22 appeals from students with more than one academic suspension. Of the 22 students who appealed, one was denied and 19 were readmitted. Two students who had completed applications did not appear before the committee for unknown reasons. The committee reviewed University policy for first time academic suspension. University policy currently requires students with one suspension to sit out a fall or spring semester. However, students with extenuating circumstances, such as family tragedies and disasters, should be considered for readmission without sitting out a semester. These unusual appeals could be heard by the Provost, the instructor, the Chair, and or Dean of the appropriate college. Decisions of exception reached after consideration of unusual circumstances could then be reviewed by the Readmissions Undergraduate Committee. Our current suspension appeal system works for the purposesfor whichit is intended; that is,to review extenuating circumstances, possibly meriting mitigationof the current University policy in situations beyond the first academic suspension. More troubling is the number ofUNA students facing first-time suspension and the proactive, interventionmeasures thatcould or should be implemented prior to academic suspension. The committee noted that there were 103 students who received their first academic suspension in the spring of 2011. By the timea suspended student appears before the Readmissions Committee, the matriculation battle has been lost.The committee expressed a desire to have at risk students counseled and followed closely in order to avoid a suspension. An academic progress follow-up system as used by the Department of Athletics is one possibility and might be especially useful for identified at-risk students provided that theinformation is used by a mentor or advisoras an intervention tool. Also, The Chronicle of Higher Education recently had an articleabout campuses implementing mandatory attendance for freshman level classes as a technique tobetter instill successful habits in beginning students. What were the Committees formal recommendations? The committee recommended that at risk students should be counseled and followed closely in order to avoid a suspension. An academic progress follow-up system as used by the Department of Athletics is one possibility and might be especially useful for identifying at-risk students provided that theinformation is used by a mentor or advisoras an intervention tool. Students with a first suspension and extenuating circumstances, such as family tragedies and disasters, should be considered for readmission without sitting out a semester. These unusual appeals could be heard by the Provost, the instructor, the Chair, and or Dean of the appropriate college. Decisions of exception reached after consideration of unusual circumstances could then be reviewed by the Readmissions Undergraduate Committee. What does the Committee plan to accomplish A. In the coming year? Continue to make recommendations regarding the appeals process and work with the CARRS/Admissions office/Provost to develop recommendations that enhances the appeals procedure while maintaining a student friendly process. B. In future years? The committee would like to continue to hear appeals and act as an advisory board for the appeals process. The committee would like to gather more information/data regarding UNAs readmissions performance What are the Committees weaknesses? The committee has concerns about the number of students who receive academic suspension. There is a need for a review of the literature and evaluation of UNA data associated with at-risk student success and retention. A. What can the Shared Governance Committee help you do to address the weaknesses? Enact proactive policies that enhance student success at UNA. Continue to support the committee in its charge to serve the students at UNA. 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