ࡱ> HJG{` bjbjFF 4.,, & & & & Dj ' m m m M'O'O'O'O'O'O'$n)h+s'm m s' '   M'M' 0# ֥&  "$A' '0'9", ,H##,$lm d   m m m s's' m m m 'd& &  International Programs/Offerings Committee Minutes of January 25, 2010 Meeting Members present: Dr. Paul Baird, Dr. Lee Hurren, Dr. Alex Takeuchi (Chair), Dr. Claudia Vance, Dr. Sue Wilson, Dr. Chungsheng Zhang. Dr. Robert Adler was also present (by invitation). I. Dr. Takeuchi called the meeting to order at 1:04pm. II. Approval of Agenda and Minutes of 11/2/09 Meeting Dr. Takeuchi asked that Procedure of awarding the scholarship money to recipients be added to Agenda under Old Business. The revised Agenda was unanimously approved. Dr. Wilson moved to approve the minutes, Dr. Baird seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved. III. Old Business Dr. Takeuchi asked for a clarification on the current protocol on how students are supposed to receive their $800 travel awards. Dr. Zhang explained that for the England trip in March, the money was given directly to a travel agent instead of to the students. In future trips, however, the $800 will probably go directly into individual student accounts. If the student forfeits the trip, he/she forfeits the award. Dr. Zhang also explained that every student will receive the entire $800 award towards his/her study abroad trip, regardless of airfare costs. IV. New Business. The committee decided to review student essays in alphabetical order. The following students were approved for scholarship awards: Name Student ID# Destination (Dates) BRASHER, Anna L. L0055244 France (3/19/10 - 3/28/10) CAIN, Zachary L005646510001 Germany (5/15/10-6/5/10) COX, Elizabeth M. L00500386 England (3/20 /10-3/28 /10) ENNIS, Katherine L005458271 Costa Rica (7/4/10-7/24/10) MOTTER, Jackie L00518439 Costa Rica (7/4/10-7/24/10) POUNDERS, Emily L00520864 Costa Rica (7/4/10-7/24/10) ROWE, Whitney L00555508 Costa Rica (7/4/10-7/24/10) SIMPSON, Jessica L00538205 Costa Rica (7/4/10-7/24/10) WILSON, DeAngelo L00540319 Spain (5/25/10-7/5/10) Scholarship Applicant that the Committee did not select: Name Student ID# Destination (Dates) BROTHERS, Sean M. L00516890 Spain (5/25/10 - 7/5/10) The Brothers application was not selected because the student is only registered as part-time this semester and because he is on academic probation. Dr. Zhang pointed out that most universities have a policy regarding a minimum GPA requirement for students studying abroad. He suggested that the IPO Committee create a policy stating that students who are on academic probation or suspension cannot participate in University study abroad. Dr. Zhang stated that to improve the selection process for next time, the Committee needs to consider whether it will give travel awards that are based on merit, on financial need, or on a combination of both. If so, how many of each should be given? The University should consider reaching a larger population of students who will not otherwise have the opportunity to travel abroad. The Center for International Programs will host a predeparture Study Abroad Orientation (February 27, 2010) for all study abroad participants traveling in the spring and summer. Dr. Zhang passed out a preliminary draft of the Orientation schedule. He also passed out drafts of documents he would like the IPO Committee to consider requiring of study abroad students: Medical Disclosure Form, Request for Academic Approval to Study Abroad-Instructions, and the Study Abroad Academic Pre-Approval Form. The meeting was adjourned at 2:07 p.m. The Minutes were kept by Claudia Vance, Vice Chair. 26FNOPbfr     |n`OAOh^PCJOJQJ^JaJ h(chgCJOJQJ^JaJh<,CJOJQJ^JaJh2YCJOJQJ^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJ h(chCJOJQJ^JaJhQCJOJQJ^JaJ h(ch5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h(chO4B5CJOJQJ^JaJh15CJOJQJ^JaJ#h(ch5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h(ch55CJOJQJ^JaJ+OP C D z { & gddj8^8gd^P-DM ^gd^P -DM gdJ -DM gd5q^gd<,^gd^Pgd5qgdKgd5$a$gd5 ; < > ? 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