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Specific items included approval of recommended changes in the Faculty Handbook and the Staff Handbook, the implementation of a Faculty-Staff Wellness Initiative, consideration of an increase in maximum allergy insurance benefits, the Policy on Consensual Relationships, provision of Hepatitis B vaccines for faculty and staff at risk of blood contact, a Flexible Insurance Spending Plan, and consideration of a Sick Leave Bank. As reported below, some of the items/plans were approved and have been implemented, while others will need follow-up by the 2009-2010 Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee. The Committees Charge Charge To monitor matters relating to faculty and staff welfare, including compensation, benefits, health and safety, and quality and equity of work life issues To review and develop performance review systems for both faculty and staff To ensure the complete, accurate, and timely placement of policies and policy changes in the Faculty Handbook and the Staff and Service Employees Personnel Handbook. To communicate its deliberations and findings to the President, and after discussion with the President, to the University community Committee meetings were scheduled on the first Tuesday of the month at 3:00pm, except in the case of intervening holidays when it was scheduled on the second Tuesday of the month. Specifically meeting were held on the following dates: September 2, October 7, November 11, and December 2, of 2008, and January 13, February 3, March 3, April 7, and May 7 of 2009. A quorum was present for the following meeting dates: September 2, October 7, November 11, 2008; February 3, and March 3, 2009. Business for the December, 2008 meeting was handled via email correspondence. A quorum was not present at the April 7, and May 7, 2009 meetings. The Minutes of these Committee meetings were forwarded to the Chair of the Shared Governance Committee for posting on the Shared Governance website. IV-V. What were the Committees actions and accomplishments this year relative to each of the items of the charge? What were the Committees formal recommendations? Approved Faculty Handbook Updates for sections 4.3.3, 4.3.4, and 4.13 Approved all Staff Handbook updates as per recommendations of the Staff Handbook Ad Hoc Committee and determined that the work of the Ad Hoc committee was complete at this time but that the Ad Hoc Committee should meet on a semester or annual basis, left to the Faculty Staff Welfare Committee Chairs discretion. It was also decided that the Office of Human Resources and Affirmative Action should review the entire Staff Handbook and that the Faculty Staff Welfare Committee should consider and vote on all changes annually, or as requested when policy changes are needed. Faculty-Staff Wellness Initiative in conjunction with the Office of Human Resources and Blue Cross Blue Shield, this initiative was implemented. Increase in maximum allergy benefit discussion on this item resulted in a motion and subsequent approval that an annual benefits survey be drafted and distributed to all faculty and staff. The survey was distributed April, 2009. Policy on Consensual Relationships - as per the request of the University Executive Council in a memorandum dated October 27, 2008, the Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee considered and approved the proposed Policy on Consensual Relationships that was approved by the Board of Trustees on March 14, 2008 Hepatitis B vaccines for faculty and staff at risk of blood contact - This item was originally brought forth concerning Biology Lab instructors. The Committee, however, felt that other areas of the university might also pose risk of blood contact and that criteria defining at risk should be identified. After solicitation of information from UNA constituent groups, researching sister institutions policies, reviewing current UNA policies, and discussion regarding current practices at UNA and inquiries as to whether the current policy is being followed, Dr. Greenway forwarded item to the Chair of the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee and requested that the topic be investigated by that committee and that recommendations for changes or clarification in policies or practies be brought back to the Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee. The Faculty/Staff Welfare committee will continue to investigate policies at sister institutions as well. Flexible Insurance Spending Plan this plan was researched considerably, and an insurance representative presented possible scenarios to the committee. Follow-up on this item will be needed in the 2009-2010 academic year for approval Sick Leave Bank more information on this item is needed. The Office of Human Resources will continue to collect information for the 2009-2010 committee to consideration What does the Committee plan to accomplish: See items B, D, F, G, and H above (IV-V). What are the Committees weaknesses? Perhaps the most noted weakness of the committee is achieving quorum. Some members of the committee serve on more than one Shared Governance Committee, which adversely affected their ability to attend due to either conflicting schedules and/or committee workload. What actions will be taken next year to address the weaknesses? One recommendation is that there should be a wider representation of faculty and staff appointees so that fewer individuals serve on numerous committees. Those who serve by position unavoidably serve on several committees, but it might be best if other representatives only served on one committee per year. This practice might help eliminate scheduling conflicts and committee work overload. IX. What can the Shared Governance Committee help you do to address the weaknesses? See membership appointment recommendation in VIII above. Comments: 7<JQRSis ! & ) = Y Z  / R v z 4 T k     6 O ^    ʿλhh% hh}h}h:Th(#1h_ h ^h ^hdjh ^hg h ^6hvh#>*hvhg>* hv5hg5CJaJ hdj5 hg5<56789:;<JRst  $a$ ! 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