Student Achievement Report


The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution's mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success. (Student Achievement) [CR]



The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the UNA mission statement, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The University uses multiple measures to document student success.

Mission of University

The  of the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama is to be:

Innovative. Inclusive. Engaged. Evolving. Global.
As a student-centered, regional, state-assisted institution of higher education, the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama pursues its mission of engaging in teaching, research, and service in order to provide educational opportunities for students, an environment for discovery and creative accomplishment, and a variety of outreach activities meeting the professional, civic, social, cultural, and economic development needs of our region in the context of a global community.
Vision Statement
The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama builds upon nearly two centuries of academic excellence. We commit ourselves to design and offer a rich undergraduate experience; to respond to the many educational and outreach needs of our region, including the provision of high-quality graduate programs in selected disciplines; to provide an extracurricular environment that supports and enhances learning; to provide a global education and participate in global outreach through distance learning programs; and to foster a diverse and inclusive academic community. We promote global awareness by offering a curriculum that advances understanding of global interdependence, by encouraging international travel, and by building a multinational student population. We pledge to support and encourage intellectual growth by offering primarily small, interactive classes taught by highly educated professionals, and through mentoring, internships, and other out-of-class educational opportunities.

Identified Measures of Student Achievement (Criteria)

Table 1 identifies the measures selected by the university for which it identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution's mission.
Table 1.  Identified Measures of Achievement
Threshold of Acceptability
1. IPEDS 150% Graduation Rate
increase 150% graduation rates by 
equal to or exceeding the average rate of our peers 
2. Retention Rate
Increase retention rates
equal to or exceeding the average rate of our peers 
3. Job Placement Rates
Increase  by college
year over year increases
4. State licensing examinations
Be competitive in state licensing examinations scores 
specific to the program (see thresholds below)
The measures selected will be discussed in detail, including their data sources and measures, in the following section. 
Measures 1 and 2: The IPEDS Graduation and Retention Rate (based on Institutional Annual Profile submissions)
In March 2019, in response to a request by SACSCOC, The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama selected the  (150% standard time) as its student completion indicator. UNA identified ten official peers during a UNA Board of Trustees Program Analysis in 2017. These ten peers were established through an IPEDS peer analysis and were approved by the Program Analysis Academic and Academic Support Committee. These peers were used as a basis of comparison: 
  • Austin Peay State University
  • Columbus State University
  • Jacksonville State University
  • McNeese State University
  • Morehead State University
  • Southern University and A&M College
  • University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke
  • West Texas A&M University 
  • Winthrop University
  • Armstrong State University (Absorbed by Georgia Southern and not included in data)
Student achievement goals (target levels of performance/thresholds of acceptability).  The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama has identified the threshold of acceptability for this particular achievement measure would be UNA's graduation and retention rate (as reported to IPEDS for the annual Graduation Rate report) will be equal to or exceeding the average rate of its peers. "Peers" are those identified as being reported to SACSCOC as peer institutions for UNA, and they are those peers which were previously determined by the university as mentioned above. The university demonstrates the appropriateness of its chosen thresholds of acceptability by comparing its graduation and retention data to that of its peers. The peer group identified is similar in scope to the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama in the following ways: enrollment, tuition cost, retention and graduation rates, faculty and staff size, programs offered, and student full-time equivalent (FTE). Peer identification data and the selection of peers at UNA is based upon the IPEDS Peer Assessment. As stated in the UNA Strategic Plan, the University desires to "pursue a cohesive and shared institutional identity focused on student learning and engagement-locally, regionally, and globally" (Theme Five: Institutional Identity). As such, the university chooses to compare its own achievement to its peers so that it is aligned and exceeds those trends identified within the peer comparisons. Additionally, aspirational goals have been set for both graduation and retention rates. The institutional goal, as indicated in the UNA 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, is to have a 10 percentage point increase in graduation rate by 2024. The institutional goal for retention is to increase year-over-year.

Measure 1: Graduation Rates

The tables below (2 through 6) show the graduation rates for both UNA and its peers for the most updated IPEDS cohorts 2014, 2013, and 2012.This data was captured from IPEDS 150% graduation rate report utilizing the group comparisons feature. The percentages reflect the number of those in the cohort who graduated in 150% time (six years). The 2015 cohort information will be posted to IPEDS in fall 2022, with the 2016 cohort data being reported to IPEDS this past spring 2021.
Table 2. UNA IPEDS Six-Year Graduation Rate Overall Peer Comparison*
Six-Year Graduation Rate 2014 Cohort 2013 Cohort 2012 Cohort
Austin Peay State University 48.3% 43.3% 40.6%
Columbus State University 38.2% 38.0% 36.9%
Jacksonville State University 45.5% 41.3% 42.5%
McNeese State University 43.5% 46.6% 45.2%
Morehead State University 43.1% 45.9% 44.6%
Southern University and A&M College 28.2% 40.9% 30.4%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 49.9% 48.6% 45.7%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 42.5% 41.0% 40.7%
West Texas A&M University 44.3% 45.3% 43.7%
Winthrop University 60.8% 63.4% 53.2%
Peer Average 43.8% 45.1% 42.0%
*This data was captured from IPEDS 150% graduation rate report utilizing the group comparisons feature
Table 2 indicates that UNA's 6-year graduation rate surpasses its peer group average for the three most recent cohorts IPEDS has available. While UNA has exceeded the benchmark for each of the years listed, the university has also increased its graduation rate by nearly 7 percentage points over the past five years (44.5% (2011 cohort) to 51.2% (2015 cohort)).
According to the data reported in Table 2 and the trend of the university's increasing graduation rate, the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama is projected to meet its aspirational goal (as indicated in the UNA 2019-2024 Strategic Plan) of a 10-percentage point increase by 2024.  
The graduation rate (150%) is broken down by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status in the following tables (5 through 7) in order to identify any student achievement trends that need to be addressed. 
Table 3. UNA IPEDS 6-YR Graduation Rate Peer Gender Comparison*

6-Yr Graduation

Rate by Gender

Cohort 2014 Cohort 2013 Cohort 2012
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Austin Peay State University 39.5% 54.8% 36.7% 48.2% 34.8% 44.5%
Columbus State University 37.3% 38.9% 32.3% 41.7% 31.8% 40.3%
Jacksonville State University 38.7% 51.9% 33.2% 49.0% 35.8% 47.6%
McNeese State University 39.7% 46.0% 41.4% 49.8% 40.2% 48.5%
Morehead State University 39.0% 46.1% 43.9% 47.4% 40.3% 47.6%
Southern University and A&M College 23.3% 31.6% 31.6% 46.6% 23.3% 35.0%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 41.2% 55.8% 44.1% 51.7% 38.5% 51.3%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 38.9% 45.4% 34.0% 46.3% 36.3% 44.6%
West Texas A&M University 36.5% 52.0% 38.3% 50.9% 34.8% 51.3%
Winthrop University 57.3% 62.2% 56.6% 66.4% 57.0% 33.3%
Peer Average 38.9% 47.6% 38.7% 49.6% 37.2% 43.6%
Graduation rates (150%) for UNA and its peers are provided by gender within Table 3. UNA's graduation rate for both males and females exceeds the peer average; thus satisfying the threshold of acceptability.
The following three tables (4, 5, and 6) contain the ethnicity breakdown of 150% graduation rates by peer institution for the past three cohorts. 

Table 4. 2014 Cohort, UNA IPEDS 6-YR Graduation Rate Ethnicity Peer Comparisons*
2014 Cohort American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Race/Ethnicity Unknown Non-Resident Alien
Austin Peay State University 25.0% 57.1% 44.3% 50.9% 33.3% 49.2% 50.6% 42.1% 50.0%
Columbus State University 0.0% 33.3% 31.3% 43.6% 43.9% 14.3% 37.5%
Jacksonville State University 33.3% 60.0% 28.2% 26.3% 100.0% 51.1% 40.0% 38.2%
McNeese State University 16.7% 72.2% 33.2% 47.5% 44.4% 35.7% 70.0%
Morehead State University 33.3% 25.0% 28.4% 42.3% 0.0% 44.0% 40.0% 66.7% 40.0%
Southern University and A&M College 0.0% 50.0% 28.6% 0.0% 0.0% 17.6% 44.4% 0.0% 0.0%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 100.0% 0.0% 37.9% 48.1% 52.6% 38.7% 51.2% 50.0%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 43.6% 19.0% 43.1% 39.7% 45.1% 31.3% 31.3% 10.0%
West Texas A&M University 25.0% 50.0% 24.1% 39.9% 0.0% 50.8% 33.3% 9.5% 53.3%
Winthrop University 28.6% 56.3% 55.5% 52.9% 0.0% 65.2% 59.5% 33.3%
Peer Average 22.8% 47.0% 35.2% 38.1% 22.2% 45.7% 38.7% 31.6% 36.9%
Table 5. 2013 Cohort, UNA IPEDS 6-YR Graduation Rate Ethnicity Peer Comparisons*
2013 Cohort American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Race/Ethnicity Unknown Non-Resident Alien
Austin Peay State University 0.0% 60.0% 41.7% 37.3% 0.0% 43.6% 46.4% 48.1% 50.0%
Columbus State University 0.0% 23.8% 36.9% 46.1% 37.9% 33.3% 64.7%
Jacksonville State University 28.6% 57.1% 26.8% 23.1% 45.4% 36.4% 60.0%
McNeese State University 20.0% 66.7% 31.8% 45.5% 100.0% 50.3% 36.2% 0.0% 62.5%
Morehead State University 25.0% 25.0% 42.7% 50.0% 0.0% 45.9% 47.6% 60.0% 83.3%
Southern University and A&M College 100.0% 100.0% 40.9% 42.9% 0.0% 30.4% 47.8% 0.0% 0.0%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 60.0% 57.1% 37.1% 35.3% 50.9% 52.5% 54.5% 60.0%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 44.4% 36.4% 40.5% 36.1% 0.0% 41.4% 50.0% 37.5% 20.0%
West Texas A&M University 50.0% 45.5% 24.2% 40.2% 51.6% 26.5% 23.5% 50.0%
Winthrop University 0.0% 64.7% 59.7% 60.0% 66.7% 65.9% 64.7% 50.0% 66.7%
Peer Average 29.8% 53.2% 38.4% 42.3% 27.8% 45.8% 44.1% 31.9% 50.8%
Table 6. 2012 Cohort, UNA IPEDS 6-YR Graduation Rate Ethnicity Peer Comparisons*
2012 Cohort American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Race/Ethnicity Unknown Non-Resident Alien
Austin Peay State University 0.0% 61.5% 35.0% 45.0% 0.0%


45.8% 36.4% 100.0%
Columbus State University 16.7% 58.3% 34.0% 28.1% 0.0% 40.0% 28.3% 70.0%
Jacksonville State University 28.6% 27.3% 29.2% 40.0% 47.4% 38.9% 66.7%
McNeese State University 35.7% 45.0% 35.2% 50.0% 33.3% 47.0% 29.2% 100.0% 84.2%
Morehead State University 0.0% 50.0% 31.1% 50.0% 50.0% 45.3% 56.5% 25.0% 46.7%
Southern University and A&M College 31.3% 27.3% 9.1% 27.3% 0.0% 13.3%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 31.3% 33.3% 32.2% 28.6% 100.0% 50.6% 52.2% 23.5% 52.6%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 38.1% 28.6% 42.5% 28.3% 42.2% 26.7% 55.6% 25.0%
West Texas A&M University 14.3% 35.7% 15.3% 41.9% 48.4% 43.8% 35.3% 57.1%
Winthrop University 52.6% 53.4% 50.0% 0.0% 57.4% 66.7% 100.0% 58.3%
Peer Average 23.2% 45.0% 33.7% 34.5% 28.2% 43.1% 44.7% 43.7% 57.9%
*This data was captured from IPEDS 150% graduation rate report utilizing the group comparisons feature
Tables 4, 5, and 6 also contain 150% graduation rates for UNA and its peer institutions by ethnicity. The following ethnicity groups are identified: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. Those who identify as two or more races, nonresident aliens, and whose ethnicity is unknown are also included. In 2020, the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama exceeds the threshold of acceptability (peer average) for each ethnicity except for Asian (there were 3 Asian students in the 2020 cohort and all three transferred). In 2019, UNA exceeded the peer average for all ethnicities with the exception of Black or African American and Hispanic. In 2018, UNA exceeded the peer average for American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islanders, White, and Multi-Racial. Tables 4, 5, and 6 demonstrate that UNA has made a positive impact on increasing the graduation rates of its underrepresented populations, specifically our two largest groups of underrepresented minorities: Black and African American and Hispanic students. Additionally, in reviewing all three tables, the most recent data available from IPEDS demonstrates a higher rate than the peer average for every ethnicity (excluding the Asian students given the low n represented in the cohort; Asian = 3 for the 2014 cohort). 
Table 7.  UNA IPEDS Graduation Rate Peer Comparison by Pell Recipients*
Pell Grant Recipients 6-Yr Graduation Rate Cohort 2014 Cohort 2013 Cohort 2012
Austin Peay State University 39.0% 34.9% 32.8%
Columbus State University 31.3% 37.4% 31.3%
Jacksonville State University 36.2% 33.5% 34.4%
McNeese State University 36.7% 36.0% 35.2%
Morehead State University 32.9% 36.9% 38.6%
Southern University and A&M College 26.9% 29.5% 21.9%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 41.3% 36.9% 34.6%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 41.3% 38.8% 40.2%
West Texas A&M University 38.3% 37.0% 36.8%
Winthrop University 55.0% 55.7% 48.9%
Peer Average 37.9% 37.7% 35.6%
*This data was captured from IPEDS 150% graduation rate report utilizing the group comparisons feature
The Pell recipients (revised cohort) for each institution are represented in the cohort. The percentages reflect the number of those in the cohort who graduated with a bachelor's degree in 150% time (6 years).
In Table 7, UNA identifies its graduation rates for those students classified as Pell recipients. This data was captured from IPEDS 150% graduate rate report utilizing the group comparisons feature. The retention of Pell recipients (revised cohort) for each institution is represented above. Table 7 demonstrates that UNA exceeded its peer average for the 2014 cohort, but for the 2013 and 2012 cohorts, it fell short of meeting the threshold of acceptability (peer average) in regard to the 6-year graduation rate for those students who received a Pell Grant.  

Measure 2: Retention

Regarding retention data for the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama, table 8 shows the five-year retention trend of UNA compared to its peers for the 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 cohorts. This was the most recent IPEDS data available.

Table 8. UNA IPEDS Five-Year Retention Rate Trend Peer Comparison*
Retention Cohort 2019 Cohort 2018 Cohort 2017 Cohort 2016 Cohort 2015
Austin Peay State University 70.2% 65.5% 67.4% 68.5% 66.0%
Columbus State University 75.3% 72.0% 72.1% 75.7% 72.6%
Jacksonville State University 73.4% 75.7% 75.4% 74.1% 78.5%
McNeese State University 71.6% 69.5% 69.9% 68.1% 66.2%
Morehead State University 75.8% 73.2% 73.7% 72.3% 70.6%
Southern University and A&M College 60.1% 61.1% 64.2% 64.0% 61.9%
University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama 77.3% 75.4% 75.3% 75.8% 75.1%
University of 杏吧直播间 Carolina at Pembroke 70.7% 71.6% 73.8% 68.7% 67.2%
West Texas A&M University 82.0% 68.4% 67.1% 64.0% 65.1%
Winthrop University 69.9% 69.8% 75.0% 76.5% 73.1%
Peer Average 72.1% 69.6% 71.0% 70.2% 69.0%
*Data were retrieved from IPEDS Data Center's group comparison feature. The cohort includes first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students as defined by IPEDS.
Table 8 demonstrates that UNA retention rates have surpassed the peer group average for each of the five years listed (2019 to 2015 cohorts). While UNA has exceeded the benchmark for each of the years listed, the university has almost consistently increased the retention rate over the five-year period. Additionally, UNA has nearly a 6 percentage point increase in retention rates from the 2011 cohort to the 2020 cohort.
Ongoing Institutional Strategies for Retention and Graduation Rate Increases.   The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama has employed several ongoing strategies within the past two years that contribute to improved retention and graduate rates for those populations who fell short of meeting or exceeding the peer group average. 
The University Success Center implemented in August 2021. Tutoring services are available to all enrolled students - undergraduate, graduate, Early College, and non-degree seeking. Students have immediate access to online tutors in more than 250 subjects 24 hours a day throughout the year. If a student is identified as struggling with the course material at the tutoring session’s conclusion, the tutor will flag an Early Alert response. This alerts Success Center staff and faculty of the student’s struggle with the material so they can follow up. Previously, the Success Center provided student-led tutoring in a limited number of subject areas, usually at the 100-class level and only during the University’s business hours. is accessible on desktop and mobile platforms and with the expanded times, subject areas, and tutor availability, the Success Center has increased its reach to students and provided support to students who would previously not have had consistent access to these resources.
The Success Center maintains usage data for this resource. During Fall 2021, 367 students utilized this service. During Spring 2022, 254 students did so. During this time period, there were 2,895 total tutoring sessions for a total of 1,491.28 hours with 1,047 early alerts issued. The average length of each tutoring session was 31 minutes. The average wait time for a tutoring session was 1.44 minutes. 
 Students have an opportunity to anonymously submit reviews after each session. Among those collected included:
  • I love my experience so far on this site! My tutor was extremely helpful in leading me in the right direction and allowing me to solve the question on my own. Great experience I am so happy my university has this tool!
  • I loved how convenient this was and also how helpful it was in helping me understand the material!
  • I am so glad this service is offered for students who are enrolled in online classes.  It is hard to figure out equations when only assignments are given with no direction.
  • I loved how I was asked how I could fix the problem and not just told how to fix it. I feel like it helped me expand my knowledge.
  • My tutor was fantastic.  They took the time to explain things and make sure I understood them. They didn't just tell me what needed to be changed, but WHY it needed to be changed. They also gave me the opportunity to point out my own mistakes after they gave me the skills to recognize them.
  • I love this service so much! It is especially helpful when it's short notice and you can't get in contact with professors. My course only has office hours for 2 hours a week and it can be hard to make them. I love that I can get individual help and instant feedback on my work. 
The Student Success Center consistently analyzes usage data and monitors early alerts. For example, the Center identified one student who had taken advantage of multiple math tutoring sessions. The Director of the Student Success Center contacted the student's math professor to determine if there were particular areas of math that the tutoring might target. The professor responded: "I believe the tutoring is helping him, and he is using it to help him understand the material. There is so much to cover in the class, I have to teach 2-3 sections every day. Due to the fast pace, I think he just needs more reinforcement of all the concepts." This student has earned grades of B in both Pre-Calculus Algebra (fall 2021) and College Algebra (Spring 2022) while using the resource.

A second resource implemented by the University to address the need to more effectively support performance is Dropout Detective. An early-alert program, Dropout Detective connects directly to Canvas and shows advisors in real-time their assigned students’ grades, missing assignments, and concern notes from faculty. Advisors are able to access this information and proactively connect with students to find solutions and help get them back on track, which is particularly beneficial to students who are considered at-risk. Dropout Detective was first piloted with select student populations in Spring 2021, then implemented across campus in Fall 2021. Advisors are able to view students’ current grades as listed in Canvas. When advisors see a student labeled “at-risk” in a course, they reach out to offer support in tutoring and overall student help such as time management, study skills, etc. 
The University Success Center recently absorbed first and second-year advising for all students who have earned less than sixty-four credit hours. Previously, the faculty primarily advised students starting their first term, but with their course loads and other responsibilities, they did not always have the time to focus on the needs of students outside of course registration. This transition, along with a proactive registration and orientation experience, contributed to increased efficiency and accuracy with course schedules that had not previously been seen within this group of students. Professional advising for first and second-year students is now consistent through all four colleges at the university. Students who begin their collegiate career with professional advisors are more likely to connect with campus resources, and the advisors are solely focused on student success.
The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama created, with full Board of Trustees support, the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in 2019. This division's mission is to   provide education, programming, and resources that address and support the diverse range of identities, voices, and lived experiences of our students, faculty, and staff. We are committed to more diverse representation in leadership and our learning spaces. This requires the development and implementation of policies, procedures, and processes that reflect our commitment to an equitable and inclusive campus.  The DEI tracks its progress by reporting annually to the Board of Trustees and also by publishing its yearly    online and through campus mail to all constituents. 
Measure 3. Job Placement Rates

UNA is committed to empowering students and alumni to engage in all phases of career development. In support of this mission, the Career Center serves as the primary resource for campus career-related information to facilitate successful career development for students, alumni, faculty, and employers. The Career Center collects job placement data through a graduation survey, which each graduating student is prompted to take. Survey information is distributed through the UNA Graduation Expo, direct email to students, and face-to-face distribution of printed pamphlets.  

Student achievement goals (target levels of performance/thresholds of acceptability).  The criteria that are identified for each graduate include whether the student is employed upon graduation, pursuing additional education, entering military service, not employed but still seeking a job, or not employed and not seeking employment. As the University collects this data annually it also identifies that the threshold of acceptability increases each year on the prior year's rate of employment. Data from the past three semesters have been analyzed and summarized in tables 9 and 10 below. 
Table 9. Aggregate Employment Data of UNA Graduates Upon Graduation
Post-Graduation Status
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
Fall 2020
Employed (Full-time)
Employed (Part-time)
Enrolled in Continuing Ed.
Plan for Cont. Ed. - not yet enrolled
Seeking Employment
Not Seeking Employment
Volunteer or Service Program
Employed in the Field of Study
Table 10. Employment Data of UNA Graduates by College
College Employed (Full-Time) Employed (Part-Time) Military Enrolled in Cont. Ed. Plan for Cont. Ed. Seeking Employment Not Seeking Employment Volunteer or Service Program Employed in Field of Study
ACONHP F21 80.3% 8.5% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% 8.5% 0.0% 0.0% 85.9%
ACONHP SP21 90.7% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 5.8% 0.0% 0.0% 80.2%
ACONHP F20 76.9% 7.7% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 84.6%
CASE F21 25.3% 10.5% 1.1% 10.5% 15.8% 32.6% 3.2% 1.1% 20.0%
CASE SP21 14.6% 10.1% 0.0% 14.6% 11.3% 47.2% 1.1% 1.1% 7.9%
CASE F20 16.7% 8.3% 0.0% 8.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 8.3%
COEHS F21 62.7% 1.5% 0.0% 6.0% 1.5% 25.4% 3.0% 0.0% 64.2%
COEHS SP21 40.6% 9.4% 0.0% 6.3% 0.0% 43.8% 0.0% 0.0% 31.3%
COEHS F20 25.0% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0%
SCOBT F21 70.3% 8.1% 0.0% 2.7% 2.7% 13.5% 2.7% 0.0% 64.2%
SCOBT SP21 46.2% 15.4% 0.0% 5.1% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3%
SCOBT F20 50.0% 4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 29.2% 4.2% 0.0% 41.7%
In addition to collecting data from the Career Center for job placement rates, the University utilizes information from each college that indicates the percentage of students who are placed in jobs. The goal for each year is that the University will increase the job placement rate each year. For some of the programs within these colleges, such as the College of Education and Human Sciences, job placement rates are a significant portion of accreditation compliance. Colleges are able to set employment rate benchmarks that are specific to their goals; however, the overall University benchmark still applies to those colleges as well. The data for each college can be found in the narrative below. 
College of Education and Human Sciences
As required by program accreditation, the Teacher Education and Counselor Education programs both provide substantial  for their students. 
The Education Preparation Program (EPP) surveys recent graduates each semester to track employment trends. Additionally, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) provides completer employment trends for recent initial and advanced program completers hired in public schools in Alabama. 
A) ALSDE Data (Initial and Advanced). The completer employment information provided to the EPP by the Alabama State Department of Education includes only completers employed by public schools in the state of Alabama. It does not include employment information for completers hired by private, parochial, or out-of-state schools. EPP anecdotal data indicate that currently 100 percent of completers from UNA are employed in the field. The EPP frequently receives requests from school systems seeking teachers, but all completers contacted have already been hired.
B) Advanced Program Completer Employment. Employment tracking for advanced program completers indicates that 100 percent are employed in their field of specialization. Of the EPP's 33 advanced program completers in Fall 2020, 100 percent reported being employed in the field of specialization by March 2021.
Efforts to track employment for advanced program completers are ongoing and updated annually.
Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions
Employment rates of BSN and MSN program completers demonstrate achievement of the ACONHP employment rate benchmark of 70%. The table below provides employment rate data for each program from fall 2017 through spring 2021. These data are collected separately for each program within 12 months of program completion via a Program Completion Survey.
The first cohort of students from the Bachelor of Science in Applied Health Science- Healthcare Administration track graduated in the fall of 2020 (10 graduates). There were eight (8) graduates in spring 2021.
Table 11. Nursing Employment Rates
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Spring 2020
Summer 2020
Spring 2021
Applied Health Science - - - - - - - - - - 50%
 *The MSN program had no responses for the survey for Summer 2018. The BSN program had no graduating class for the summers listed. Applied Health Science did not have graduates prior to Spring 2021. 
College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering
The College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (CASE) is the largest (19 departments) and most diverse college at UNA, offering more than 45 different degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate level. Employment data from a sampling of these degree programs (see below) are reported in Alabama Commission on Higher Education Post-Implementation report submissions, alumni survey results, and on departmental websites:
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology ( ): 84% employment rate in the field
  • Bachelor of Science in Spanish ( ): 71.4% employment in the field
  • Bachelor of Science in Geographic Information Science ( ): 77.3% employment rate in the field with an additional 9.4% in graduate school
  • Bachelor of Science in Social Work ( ): 75% employment rate in the field
  • Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture and Design ( ): 87.5% employment in the field
  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Health Science ( ): 81% employment in the field
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology ( ): 70% employment rate in the field
  • Master of Arts in Public History ( ): 87% employment rate in the field
  • Master of Arts in Writing ( ): 89% employment rate in the field
  • Master of Science in Family and Community Services ( ): 77% employment rate in the field
While many departments within CASE utilize exit surveys to gather data from their graduates, this has not been a specific requirement. Moving forward, departments within CASE have been encouraged to collect these data in order to supplement information from the University’s First Destination Survey and facilitate follow-up communication regarding future employment, alumni networking, and development opportunities.

Sanders College of Business and Technology
The Sanders College of Business and Technology reports the job placement data for each of its departments.  Each year the Experiential Learning/Project Coordinator is responsible for the collection of data for each graduate of the program. The information below demonstrates the trend of data for 2018-2020. The threshold of acceptability for the College of Business is to increase each year. 
Table 12. Business Employment Rates
Accounting and Business Law   92% 79% 96% 100%
Finance, Economics, and Data Analytics   76% 77% 72% 94%
Management and Marketing   100% 99% 82% 87%
Computer Science and Information Systems   90% 76% 100% 100%
Measure 4. State Licensing Rates
The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama identifies state licensing rates as a means to demonstrate student achievement within several programs. College-level nursing licensure rates are demonstrated below.

Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)  program    for each pre-licensure track is consistently 80% or higher. Table 13. lists pass rate data by pre-licensure track for 2018-2021.   The BSN program has established an NCLEX-RN pass rate benchmark of 80% or higher for the most recent calendar year.  This benchmark has been met and exceeded for the past four years  (NCLEX-RN Rolling Average) by first-time NCLEX-RN candidates.
Table 13. NCLEX Pass Rates by Calendar Year
BSN Pre-licensure Program
Certification data for students enrolled in the MSN-FNP track and PMC-FNP program were not available during the CCNE virtual site visit. The first cohort of students graduated in fall 2020 (FNP- 14 graduates and PMC-FNP- 1 graduate).   The MSN program has established a certification pass rate benchmark of 80% or higher for the most recent calendar year.
Table 14. Certification Pass Rates by Calendar Year
Family Nurse Practitioner 
Post Master Certificate - Family Nurse Practitioner
Summer 2021 - *1 student has not taken; *1 student has only taken once and will try again for her 2nd time
Fall 2021 - 26 grads, currently 14 have taken. Still gathering data.
College of Education and Human Sciences. Within the College of Education and Human Sciences, the ability of completers to meet licensing requirements and additional state requirements is also identified. The state of Alabama's requirements varies depending on the types of licensure, as shown in the   .  On average, over 95% of    at UNA are recommended for certification upon graduation.  On average, over 90% of our    are recommended for certification upon graduation.    
Counseling Licensure Rates.