Tornado and Shelter Areas

During a tornado, stay calm, and quickly follow the steps outlined below:

  • If indoors, seek shelter in the lowest level of the building. Interior hallways or rooms are preferable. KEEP AWAY FROM WINDOWS.
  • If outdoors, take cover in the nearest ditch or depression, away from power lines, buildings, and trees. DO NOT STAY IN A VEHICLE OR ATTEMPT TO OUTRUN THE TORNADO.
  • After the tornado has passed, evaluate the situation, and, if emergency help is necessary, contact 911. Be aware at all times of dangerous structural conditions around you.
  • Damaged facilities should be reported to the University Police Department at 256.765.4357.
               NOTE: Gas leaks and power failure create special hazards. Please refer to the section on UTILITY FAILURE.
  • ASSIST THE DISABLED IN EVACUATING THE BUILDING. Remember that elevators are reserved for use only by persons with disabilities.  DO NOT USE ELEVATORS IN CASE OF FIRE!
  • Once outside, move to a clear area away from the affected buildings. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  • If requested, assist the University Police Department and/or other responsible party.
  • Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by the University Police Department or other responsible party.
  • STAY CALM. All emergency response efforts will require clear thinking and cooperation from all members of the campus community.
  • Refer to the emergency procedures specific to your building.




Appleby East - first floor cluster-suite common areas

Appleby West - first floor cluster-suite common areas

Art Building - (including Elaine Bailey Augustine Art Gallery) exit the Art Building and take shelter in the Music Building’s interior band rooms (M120 thru M127) or the Visual Arts Building (Room 120 and 121)

Black Box Theatre, George Lindsey - Norton Auditorium basement

Buford Science and Technology Building - Storm Shelter under parking area at west end of building.

Coby Hall - basement area

Collier Library - basement area

College Street Building – (Center for Professional Development, 541 W. College St.) - Room 1401, Workroom

Commons, Wendell W. Gunn Building - Raburn Hall first floor interior hallway

Communications Building - first floor internal hallway

Computing & Mathematics Building - Harrison Storm Shelter on east side of Stevens Hall

Covington Hall - first floor cluster suite common areas

Cramer Way (601 Cramer Way) - basement hallway nearest elevators

East Campus (former Powell Elementary School) - west internal hallway

Entertainment Industry (122 W. Tombigbee St.) - interior walls of Mane Room (310 N. Pine St.

Facilities Administration/Maintenance - (East Campus, 1660 Tune Ave.) lower interior basement area

Flowers Annex (Self Field House) - basement area internal hallways

Flowers Hall - internal hallways on both sides of the gymnasium

Gallery 126 - (126 W. Tombigbee St.) - interior walls of Mane Room (310 N. Pine St.)

Grounds/Custodial Services (Waterloo Rd.) - first floor interior room and restroom

Guillot University Center - hallways in mailbox area

Harrison Hall (Anderson College of Nursing & Health Professions) - Harrison Storm Shelter on east side of Stevens Hall

Hawthorne Hall - first floor cluster suite common areas

Health Services (located in Medical Arts Building, downtown Florence) - basement area

International Scholars Housing (two houses on Oakview Circle) - lower floor interior rooms

Keller Hall - first floor internal hallways

Lafayette Hall - first floor halls, room doors closed

LaGrange Hall – in construction phase

Mane Room (310 N. Pine Street) - interior walls

Mattielou Residence Hall - Storm Shelter, first floor lobby

McKinney Building (205 S. Seminary Street) - basement area

Music Building -faculty offices, interior band rooms (M120 thru M127,

and Visual Arts area, rooms 120 and 121)

Norton Auditorium - basement dressing room areas

Olive Hall - Storm Shelter, first floor lobby

Outdoor Adventure Center - Storm Shelter under parking area on west side of Science Building

Planetarium - Student Recreation Center weight room, locker rooms, and first floor bathrooms

Powers Hall - basement computer room

Raburn Hall - first floor internal hallways

Rice Hall - mezzanine area

Rivers Hall - mezzanine area

Rogers Hall - basement office area

Softball Complex – (2500 Chisholm Rd.) - interior walls of hitting facility

SOTA offices (128 Tombigbee St.)interior walls of Mane Room (310 N. Pine St.)

SOTA Art Gallery (126 Tombigbee St.)interior walls of Mane Room (310 N. Pine St.)

SOTA Noise Block (118 Tombigbee St.)interior walls of Mane Room (310 N. Pine St.)

Self Field House - bbasement area internal hallways

Steam Plant - storage area, south side of building

Stevens Hall - Harrison Storm Shelter on east side of Stevens Hall

Stone Lodge - basement area

Student Publications - basement hall of Willingham, enter through side door of building

Student Recreation Center - weight room, locker rooms, and first floor restrooms

UNA on Sixth – (114-118 W. 6th St., Tuscumbia) – interior walls

University Apartments - interior closet areas (Twin Oaks, Grandview, Lion's Gate, Noble Crossings, Cypress Flats, Cedar Arms, Gilbert Court)

Weight Room - Flowers Annex – Self Field House, basement internal hallways

Wesleyan Annex - under stairwell or in basement

Wesleyan Hall - first floor central hallway

Willingham Hall - basement hallway

Even in the event of the University closing due to storms or tornadic weather, some buildings will remain open to accommodate those needing shelter until dangerous weather conditions pass. The following buildings will remain open:
Science and Technology Building Storm Shelter
(under parking lot "P" at south end of building)
Nursing Building Storm Shelter
(east side of Stevens Hall beneath lot "E")
Residence Halls

For emergencies dial (911) or (4357) on any campus phone.